I'm back!
So, here we are, many months after my last journal entry; much has gone on. Let me start at the beginning: So, February, I believe, was...
Time Warp.
So it's been about two months since I've updated my blog. I don't know where the time went. Here's why I've been so busy: recordings!...
Hiatus: Done!
Greetings, everyone! I know it has been quite a while since I've updated ANYTHING on any of my social media, but alas, I am back. And I...
Almost May already?
Whoa, hi, long time no see. It has been a busy couple of months since my last post, I apologize. So this is what's been going on: (1) the...
New website!
Crazy, after five years of having the same website layout, I finally redesigned it. Thanks to some cool pre-made layouts from...
Those audio samples I said I was going to upload? Uh, might be a little longer. That stint in St. Louis was a bit busier than I...